Here is where you will find information on doctors that have been or are currently associated with Orthopedic Medical Group.
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Here is a place you can share your experiences with doctors from Orhtopedic Medical Group. If you have a story to share, please contact me and I will see it gets posted.
I am absolutely appalled and utterly disgusted with the treatment I received at OMG Riverside (Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside)
Below is a message I received from Karen B. Content in [ ] added for clarification and online optimization. Hi Paul!I am absolutely appalled and utterly disgusted with the treatment I received at OMG Riverside (Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside) . The last 4.5...
Another Inhumane Experience at Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside!
This is a review left on Google Reviews about another inhumane experience at Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside, and specifically Dr. Uppal, the same doctor allegedly involved in using automotive parts for surgeries. It is disheartening to hear these stories, and...

Why You Should Be Concerned Their Website Is Down
When I had my dealings with Dr. John Gonzalez of Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside, he told me my test results were already submitted and the insurance company had approved the carpel tunnel correction on my other hand. Once my first hand regained strength,...

Is Riverside Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. John Gonzalez board certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery?
Most would agree that attention to detail is a fundamental attribute necessary for handling matters of greater importance. If someone cannot handle minor responsibilities with care, how can they be trusted to navigate the complexities of important matters? ...

Another Scathing Review for Orthopedic Surgeon John Gonzalez of Riverside
As I read this review, it took me back 15 years when I had to deal with Dr. John Gonzalez at his Orthopedic Practice in Riverside. I literally cringed as I felt for the writer of this review. There are so many people that over the years have shared their experiences,...

Is Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside Using Fake Reviews To Improve Their Horrible Image?
Regularly I stalk the ratings and review sites to locate other patients Dr. Gonzalez and his crew have mis-treated and the news sites to see the latest scandal that Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside (and its various doctors) may be involved in. On this last scour...

Orthopedic Medical Group (Dr. Gonzalez) Got Authorization For Wrong Body Part
Below is the review of Orthopedic Medical Group that was left on Google Maps by Gloria Gullien. Sloppy clerical work has long plagued these orthopedic doctors, and my opinion is that it puts patients at risk. Dr. Gonzalez of Riverside failed to inform the...
I read your website and was appalled
I read your website and was appalled. The worse is that I have an appointment with Dr. Sunny Uppal tomorrow, one of the doctors in the group you described in your site. I will go on and pay attention on how things will go. I need total hip replacement and certainly it...
THANK YOU For This Site
Paul, THANK YOU! I am new to the Inland Empire, needed a Physical Medicine and Rehab doctor and because my ortho doc, now long distance, is not familiar with this area he wrote me a referral but left the search up to me. When I did a search for Physical Medicine and...

Dr. John Gonzalez’s Arrogance Was Overwhelming. I Will Certainly Find Another Doctor Who Cares
David Alter had an 8 am appointment to see John Gonzalez MD at Orthopedic Medical Group (their website is OMGNET.COM). David Shows up at 8 am to find the doctor not even there and 5 patients ahead of him. At 8:40, Dr. Gonzalez rushed in, told me to find a...
Below are the most recent 6 entries regarding Orthopedic Medical Group and its’ doctors.
Another Inhumane Experience at Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside!
This is a review left on Google Reviews about another inhumane experience at Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside, and specifically Dr. Uppal, the same doctor allegedly involved in using automotive parts for surgeries. It is disheartening to hear these stories, and...

Is Riverside Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. John Gonzalez board certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery?
Most would agree that attention to detail is a fundamental attribute necessary for handling matters of greater importance. If someone cannot handle minor responsibilities with care, how can they be trusted to navigate the complexities of important matters? ...

Another Scathing Review for Orthopedic Surgeon John Gonzalez of Riverside
As I read this review, it took me back 15 years when I had to deal with Dr. John Gonzalez at his Orthopedic Practice in Riverside. I literally cringed as I felt for the writer of this review. There are so many people that over the years have shared their experiences,...

Is Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside Using Fake Reviews To Improve Their Horrible Image?
Regularly I stalk the ratings and review sites to locate other patients Dr. Gonzalez and his crew have mis-treated and the news sites to see the latest scandal that Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside (and its various doctors) may be involved in. On this last scour...

Orthopedic Medical Group (Dr. Gonzalez) Got Authorization For Wrong Body Part
Below is the review of Orthopedic Medical Group that was left on Google Maps by Gloria Gullien. Sloppy clerical work has long plagued these orthopedic doctors, and my opinion is that it puts patients at risk. Dr. Gonzalez of Riverside failed to inform the...

Dr. John Gonzalez’s Arrogance Was Overwhelming. I Will Certainly Find Another Doctor Who Cares
David Alter had an 8 am appointment to see John Gonzalez MD at Orthopedic Medical Group (their website is OMGNET.COM). David Shows up at 8 am to find the doctor not even there and 5 patients ahead of him. At 8:40, Dr. Gonzalez rushed in, told me to find a...